Sister Style Archives - A Beautiful Mess Crafts, Home DĂ©cor, Recipes Tue, 10 May 2022 18:33:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sister Style Archives - A Beautiful Mess 32 32 Sister Style: Weekend Rituals Tue, 04 Apr 2017 19:00:22 +0000 Emma from A Beautiful Mess Ombre hair X-men tshirts Pink bucket bag Emma from A Beautiful Mess Black tights with shortsSo here’s a random weekend ritual Trey and I have; probably around once a month or more, we’ll find ourselves having a lazy Saturday or Sunday morning. We’ll make pancakes and veggie sausages, and then go watch a few episodes of the old X-Men cartoon that we both used to love as kids. Yes, we are both in our thirties. 😉

I think it kind of start when I bought this protein pancake mix I saw at the store. I’m a mostly stick to the list kind of grocery shopper, but I do pick up something random that looks fun now and again. It’s usually a weird ingredient or spice, but something about this protein pancake mix just seemed fun to me. Trey likes to make pancakes just like his dad used to; it must be made on a griddle and you have to brush a little melted butter over each pancake while they are still warm. I have no objections to this. We added in veggie sausages to the ritual and have now made it all our own.

Why we started watching old X-Men episodes along with this at-home breakfast ritual is still a little bit of a mystery to me. But I can’t lie, I love it! I’ve always LOVED the X-Men. My favorites are probably Rogue and Wolverine, but in part because Hugh Jackman is totally my celebrity crush. And that has nothing to do with the old cartoons. Just more random facts for you today. But, this whole thing inspired me to find and buy an X-Men tee so I could sport my love of all things X-Men around town and not just at home. Ha!

X-men tees Emma from A Beautiful Mess Tiki tattoo Tights with shortsEmma’s Wearing: X-Men tee/eBay, Shorts/Free People via Staxx, Jacket/Express (similar), Boots/ TJ Maxx, Tights/Target, Sunnies/Moorea Seal, Purse/Oui Fresh.

What about you, sister? What weekend rituals are you enjoying lately?

As much as I appreciate a spontaneous schedule, rituals really are one of the best things in life. We have a bunch, and lately weekends have been such a great time for us to recharge. On Friday night we have a happy hour tradition with one of our best friends. It involves cheese fries and signals the start of the weekend. Haha! We keep to it religiously.

On Saturdays and Sundays, we have have a few things we like to do—we go to our favorite brunch spot, we sometimes visit the farmer’s market, and we try at least one new restaurant in town. 🙂 It’s my favorite! Even when we both don’t love the restaurant, it’s still so good to try something new on a regular basis. And we kind of get to pretend to be food critics together (laughable since I just admitted above that we have a weekly cheese fry ritual). It’s so much fun.

Elsie’s wearing: Dress/Vintage from Whurl, Bag/ Ceri Hoover, Sunnies/ Moorea Seal, Shoes/Target, Hat/ModCloth (similar).

We have decided to pause Sister Style for the time being and try out some other creative ideas. We’ll be starting some new fashion and style-based features for you over the next couple weeks! I’m sure we will eventually do some more Sister Styles, but at the moment, we are both in need of a fresh challenge and some new inspiration.

XX Emma + Elsie

Credits//Author: Emma Chapman, Photography: Janae Hardy and Amber Ulmer. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.
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Sister Style: Exploring New Places Fri, 31 Mar 2017 19:00:25 +0000 Emma of A Beautiful MessMetallic bagPurse and sunniesThumbs upLight blueLiving and working from a different city this month has me (and Trey) exploring lots of new places. New coffee shops, new restaurants, new beaches, and so on, and all along the way we are having lots of new experiences. Most of the time I am a total homebody, although I do try to explore new things as often as possible. As a creative small business owner I think keeping a mindset of life-long exploration is really important. You don’t want to pass over the next big idea just because it felt too new or weird to you at first. In general I think having an attitude of happy-to-explore-the-new is a good way to live life.

So I am living my best life this month. 🙂

Also, big thanks to my Instagram husband for snapping these pictures of me after we grabbed some (delicious!) coffee from Civil Coffee.

Emma of A Beautiful Mess Shoes Stay home club tee Emma Chapman Emma of A Beautiful Mess Emma’s Wearing: Shirt/Stay Home Club (love their stuff!), Zippered leggings/H&M (similar), Shoes/Barbara Barbieri (similar pair), Sunnies/SheIn, Purse/Cuir Rose (similar here), and Lipstick/Burt’s Bees Juniper Water.

Take it away, sister!

I don’t have too much to say when it comes to exploring lately. We’ve stayed home a lot this season and, honestly, it’s been really great. We have a lot of travel planned later this spring and summer, and it’s been amazing to just chill at home for a bit. Since around the first of the year, I’ve been on a rampage to “finish” my house, and it’s the best feeling ever tying up project after project after project.

I set a bunch of relatively small goals for myself like catching up on getting photo books made, deep cleaning those parts of our house that still have hidden junk, and planning some outdoor landscaping projects for springtime.

It feels good to get so much done. I love traveling, but I also love being a homebody equally as much. Gotta have both.

Elsie’s Wearing: Jumpsuit/Betty & Veronica, Clutch/, Shoes/Swedish Hasbeens, Sunnies/Moorea Seal, Necklace/Madewell.

xx. Emma + Elsie

Credits//Author: Emma Chapman, Photography: Trey George + Amber Ulmer. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.
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Sister Style: Comfort Zones Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:17:34 +0000 Comfort ZonesComfort ZonesComfort ZonesComfort ZonesComfort ZonesThroughout the years I’ve had a lot of comfort zones. Some of which I cannot defend. Like the several years I wore yoga pants everywhere (except in photos, that was literally the only time I took off my yoga pants)… or the 20 inch hair extensions paired with a myspace mullet. Haha! I’ve had a lot of awkward phases in my life. Socks with sandals, you guys.

This morning I read a blog comment (on another Sister Style post) kindaaa complaining that all my outfits look the same. I thought about it (for, like, ever) as one does. And you know what… it’s true! But I’m not sure that it bothers me.

Is that bad?

You see, I’m finally finding a groove with my style. I have my three “uniforms”, I’m shopping smarter, and I’m wearing the new stuff I’m purchasing over and over and over! I’m SO happy! I really am dressing up cute every day—in fact, my yoga pants are making almost no public appearances these days.

But, yeah. I can see how it’s maybe a little repetitive too. But it’s my real closet that I’m sharing here. So maybe that’s OK? I’m OK with it, but let me know if you’re not. (We can still be friends even if you think my outfit photos are boring… haha!)

Comfort Zones Elsie’s Wearing: Dress/Free People (it’s called “the perfect dress” and I don’t completely disagree), Tights/ASOS (sold out, but here’s a similar pair), Clogs/Swedish Hasbeens, Sunnies/Zero UV…. the usual suspects. 

Emma! Take it away!

Emma Chapman Emma Chapman Emma of A Beautiful Mess Faux fur coat Glitter shoesHmm. Now you have me thinking about comfort zones too. I think it’s pretty obvious that I love tees. Always have, probably always will. They are just too easy to wear, and you can transition from wearing one with a skirt or jeans during the day, to yoga pants after work to head to the gym. I’ve only worn this alien tee to the gym once so far, but I’ve worn my two the babe with the power tees to the gym only about 100 times. Ha! I like to think it helps me channel some inner strength so I can lift those weights. 😉

And in case you’re curious, I am currently way into Les Mills Body Pump classes at my local YMCA. I’ve been going between 2-3 times a week for the past 4+ months, and I love it. I met one super cute blog reader in class already, so if any of you locals see me there, say hi.

I digress. Comfort zones. In addition to tees, I probably prefer to wear flat shoes more often than heels. I especially love sandals but the Midwest weather just doesn’t allow sandal wearing year round. But then I just have something to look forward to. 😉 I also think I’m pretty set on keeping my hair ombre for a long time. I often think about going all blonde again (like I did for my wedding) because I love platinum. I mean I grew up idolizing Gwen Stefani. But, I worry I won’t make the time to get my roots done often enough, so I feel like ombre is more my speed.

Burmuda Press tee Emma Chapman Emma of A Beautiful Mess Faux fur coatEmma’s Wearing: Coat + sunnies/SheIn, Skirt/F21, Alien tee/Bermuda Press, Shoes/ASOS (similar here), and Purse c/o Fossil

What about you guys? What are your comfort zones? xo. Elsie + Emma

Credits // Author: Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman. Photography: Amber Ulmer and Janae Hardy. Photos edited with the NEW A Beautiful Mess actions

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Sister Style: Playing Dress Up Tue, 07 Feb 2017 14:05:26 +0000 Color blocking Emma Chapman Cute flare pins Boots Color blockingI babysat my seven year old niece a few weeks ago, and one of the activities we do almost every time she comes over is play dress up. I have a few colorful wigs I bought a couple years ago just after Halloween (you know, when they are basically giving them away). So she likes to wear those and then just go through my closet and MESS EVERYTHING UP. Jk. I mean, she does make a huge mess, but she generally helps me put it all back up… or most of it anyway. 🙂

So, this last time, she walked into my closet and I had just gotten the boots I’m wearing in this post. And she immediately noticed them and said, “Oh, I’m gonna dress up like a rock star because those are rock star boots.” So now every time I wear these boots, I feel pretty cool, guys, because apparently these boots are rock star boots. Obviously I had to pair them with a rock star tee, and my ultimate idol, David Bowie.

But in all seriousness, one of my favorite “tricks” is to try and dress up what is essentially a tee and jeans outfit. I wear tees and jeans SO often. I also love dresses, leggings, and all that, but jeans end up being something I wear more often during the week because you can do anything in them (like computer work or stand on a step stool to take photos of food or craft projects—ha!). So finding ways to dress up that uniform works well for me.

Jack and Norma glasses David Bowie teeColor blocking Emma’s Wearing: Tee/eBay (similar here), Coat/SheIn, Jeans/F21, Purses/Marc Jacobs, from Sarah Rhodes IG sale (similar), Boots/Rebecca Minkoff (similar pair), Choker c/o Bauble Bar, Glasses/ABM for BonLook Jack and Norma frames. Also, my pins are all my “local” pins as they are from Springfield, MO: Golden Girl, The Mixtapes, and Coffee Ethic. 

Take it away, sister!

Elsie LarsonElsie LarsonElsie LarsonElsie LarsonElsie’s Wearing: Dress/ASOS, Shoes/Swedish Hasbeens, Sunnies/ZeroUV. 

“Dress up time” is definitely on my top five list of things I CANNOT WAIT to do with my daughter. I’m almost tearing up right now! I already have a dress up bin in our kiddo guest room with so many random gems. It’s a fun way to reuse old halloween costumes. And I love having a reason to buy a crazy hat at Goodwill! Ugh—MY HEART.

xx -Emma + Elsie

Credits//Author: Emma Chapman, Photography: Janae Hardy and Amber Ulmer. Photos edited with New A Beautiful Mess actions. 

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Sister Style: Keepers Thu, 02 Feb 2017 13:07:59 +0000 Sister Style Elsie LarsonI’ve been thinking a lot lately about these past ten years—blogging, friendships, relationships, trends, all of it. I like looking back and seeing the looping trends. It’s kind of funny. I also love being embarrassed by my younger self. And every once in a while, even inspired to pick something back up that I’d forgotten about—like my daily photography challenges back in the days of Flickr.

I feel like I am finally at an age where I really know myself. I know my style. I can predict how I’ll feel in a couple years, rather than jumping from extreme to extreme. Not that I’m not still open to change, but I think that my sense of self is MUCH stronger in my thirties than it was in my twenties. I know what I love. I’ve found my keepers.

There’s a lot in that category including music I love, hobbies that are FOREVER (including my roller skating grandma goals) and a style that I can really put my name on.

And fashion is a huge thing. This past year I FINALLY understand how to shop smarter and hunt for clothes I will wear over and over. A big part of it was this life changing book and the rest was just putting in more effort to try things on, return/return/return, and be much more picky about what I add to my closet.

Anyway! I am rambling, aren’t I? This dress/tights/clogs combo is one of my main uniforms that I wear probably five times a week! The best part is, it’s EASY, because I like to be able to get out the door within 20 minutes. No time to waste trying on 10 different pants and top combinations. Haha!

Sister Style Elsie Larson Sister Style Elsie Larson Sister Style Elsie Larson Sister Style Elsie Larson Sister Style Elsie Larson Sister Style Elsie Larson Sister Style Elsie Larson Sister Style Elsie Larson Elsie’s Wearing: Dress/Oui Fresh, Tights/ASOS (sold out, but here’s another pair), Clogs/Swedish Hasbeens, Necklace/Madewell (similar). 

Your turn, sister!

Emma Chapman Leopard dress and black leggings ABM for BonLook glasses Leopard dress Leopard dressSpeaking of being in your 30s, so I recently turned 31. And I think maybe there should be something you get when you turn 31—I mean, when you turn 21 (in the US, where I live), you are finally allowed to buy and drink alcohol. But you turn 31 and NOTHING happens. Can we all put our heads together and come up with something for this? K, thanks.

But yeah, I certainly have my go-to fashion (and other life stuff) staples. I still love to try new things, learn to do new things, and generally don’t ever want to close myself off as I age. But, that being said, I do feel a lot more confident now than I did at 21. And when it comes to fashion, I certainly feel like I know more what looks good on me and what I will love over time.

For example, I think I’m always going to be a big fan of metallics (bet you thought I was going to say black clothes there, well, you’d be right about that too). The purse I’m wearing here I had with me when I walked in to meet my parents for a birthday dinner recently at a favorite restaurant of mine. My dad immediately says something about how my purse reminds him of my great Aunt Ina. She’s currently in her 90s, and as long as I can remember, she too has been rocking the metallic purses, shoes, etc. I think I’m on the same path. Turns out, Aunt Ina knows what’s up.


Emma Chapman Leopard dress and black leggings Emma’s Wearing: Dress/F21 (similar), Leggings + shoes/H&M (similar shoes here), Vest/I.N. San Fransisco (similar), Glasses/ABM for BonLook Jack & Norma frames, “E” charm c/o Fossil, and Purse/Rebecca Minkoff (similar here).

Do you guys have colors, styles, or other things you KNOW you’re gonna love for years to come? We wanna hear what you have fallen for this decade. xo. Elsie + Emma

Credits // Author: Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman. Photography: Amber Ulmer and Janae Hardy. Photos edited with the NEW A Beautiful Mess actions.

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Sister Style: When I Grow Up Mon, 30 Jan 2017 19:04:57 +0000 Ombre hair color Clear glitter glasses Emma Chapman The Babe with the Power tee Emma Chapman I guess maybe it’s the glasses I’m wearing in these photos, but I started thinking about how when I was a kid, I had a phase where I really wanted to be a librarian when I grew up. I know a lot of people had tons of different occupations they thought about being when they were kids, but I really probably only had two or three. But librarian was one of them. I actually had a really hard time reading in school at first. I struggled and thankfully had some pretty great teachers along the way. Not to mention a very patient mom who worked with me at home as well. But once it all finally clicked, I found that I LOVED reading. Around that time is when the first Harry Potter book came out, and I was hooked from then on out. (HP forever!)

Other than loving to read, I also just loved how quiet libraries were. I’ve always been a bit of an introvert, and I think libraries are about the closest to being alone you can be in public. 🙂 I also love putting things in order, so having to file books away all day sounded pretty great to me.

It’s kind of fun thinking about what you wanted to be as a kid. I don’t have any regrets about not becoming a librarian, but if my path had gone that way, I still think it sounds pretty cool.

ABM for BonLook glasses Ombre hair color
Emma ChapmanEmma’s Wearing: The Babe with the Power tee/Oui Fresh, Glasses/ABM for BonLook, Skirt/F21, Coat/SheIn, Purse/Zara (similar), Tights/Nasty Gal (similar here), Boots/ModCloth. 

Elsie, what did you want to be as a kid? I’m guessing some kind of artist?

ElsieElsie’s Wearing: Dress/Dillard’s (similar here and here), Sunnies/Crap Eyewear, Bag/Madewell, Tights/ASOS (sold out, but here’s another pair), Clogs/Swedish Hasbeens. 

Elsie Elsie Elsie Elsie Haha, you’re not wrong, sister.

I did dream of being an artist when I was growing up. And a fashion designer. And I wanted to own my own daycare. And I spent weeks drawing out my own theme park after I found out about Disney World. Haha. I was, and am, and always will be a MIND CHANGER. Recently I learned about my enneagram type. I’m a 7, which is “The Enthusiast”. It says I am “spontaneous, versatile, distractible and scattered”… and that could not be more true. If you’re curious what you are, you can take a test here.

xx -Elsie

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Sister Style: Comfy Cozy Tue, 24 Jan 2017 19:56:52 +0000 Emma Chapman Emma Chapman Sunflare Sunflare portraits Sunflare photography Emma Chapman I try to wear every single thing in my closet (see this post), but I have to admit that more often than not you will find me in the same two pairs of shoes—these Converse tennis shoes and the Vans I’m wearing in this post. Is it a coincidence that they are both flats? Probably not. 😉

Mainly I consider these two pairs of shoes my “work shoes” as I can wear them to do pretty much any work-related activity (sit at a desk, cook, craft, supply shop, photograph, etc.). I guess I’d have to also admit that I have some house slippers that might make it into the “work shoe” category now and again. Insert emoji of the monkey covering his face. Ha!

Cardigans and hats Long cardigans and tennis shoes Emma of A Beautiful MessEmma’s Wearing: Jeans and cardigan/F21 (my grandma got me the cardigan for Christmas!), Purse/Rebecca Minkoff (similar), Shoes/Converse, Hat c/o Ruche. 

What about you, Sister? Any favorite items or pieces you wear over and over again?

Elsie LarsonElsie LarsonElsie LarsonElsie LarsonElsie Larson Elsie’s Wearing: Dress/Boohoo, Sunnies/Moorea Seal, Coat/Forever21 (similar), Boots/Seychelles. 

Elsie Larson For me, lately, easy dresses with tights are my go-to. I kind of hate wearing jeans right now, and when I get home, I IMMEDIATELY take them off. Haha! I’m not sure what it is, but I’m really in a dress phase. Mostly shift dresses or skater dresses, bonus points if they have some stretch like this one.

PS. OBSESSED with this color scheme right now!

xx- Emma + Elsie


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Sister Style: Top Five Fri, 20 Jan 2017 13:09:27 +0000 Emma Chapman Eye patches Emma of A Beautiful Mess Emma Chapman Oui Fresh dress Emma of A Beautiful MessThe other night I was hanging out with a few friends, and the conversation turned to what we would pick if we had to make a list of top five perfect albums. We ended up having quite the varied list, and it was so fun! Plus it reminded me of so much good music I haven’t taken the time to listen to in a while. So I thought it might be fun to share what I said, and hear what you think, Sister. The pressure is on!

Emma’s Top Five:
The Suburbs by Arcade Fire
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars by David Bowie
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
The Blue Album by Weezer
The Crane Wife by The Decemberists

You guys should try listing your top five in the comments—it’s really hard! If you get too stressed out, just add a few honorable mentions. 😉

Cute enamel pins Emma Chapman Emma of A Beautiful Mess Boots and tightsEmma’s Wearing: Dress/Oui Fresh (sold out but we have other great stuff avail), Boots/ModCloth, Purse/Rebecca Minkoff (similar here), ‘E’ Charm c/o Fossil, Choker c/o Bauble Bar, Tights/Target (similar) + hat/Target, Jacket/Levi’s, Pins/Big Bud Press and Frank Norton, Eye patches/M&J Trimming. 

Take it away, Sister!

Elsie LarsonElsie Larson Elsie Larson Elsie Larson Elsie Larson OK, this is a fun idea, but it’s also REALLY tough. Jeremy and I are always talking about how Spotify (which we love and use daily) has kind of made us listen to full albums less and less. When we were growing up (in the 90s) and CDs were the thing, I would often buy a CD where I only knew one song, and in those days I feel like I really got to know albums in a deeper way. I miss those days of knowing every word of every song.

Thank God for Vinyl, because this is a great way to still listen to albums start to finish. So I’ll do a few of my most-listened-to vinyl.

Elsie’s Top Five:
Back To Black by Amy Winehouse
Fly By Wire by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
FutureSex/LoveSounds by Justin Timberlake
Where Did Our Love Go by The Supremes
Nevermind by Nirvana

Elsie Larson Elsie Larson Elsie’s Wearing: Top/OuiFresh, Mom Jeans/Swedish Hasbeens, Bag/Madewell (similar here), Sunnies/ZeroUV, Banana Charm/Kate Spade (thanks, Claire!), Louise Clogs/Swedish Hasbeens. 

Can’t wait to hear some of your favorite albums as well! xx- Emma + Elsie

Credits//Author: Emma Chapman and Elsie Larson. Photography: Janae Hardy and Amber Ulmer. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

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Sister Style: Go-To Color Combos Mon, 16 Jan 2017 19:01:28 +0000 Color Combos Elsie LarsonColor Combos Elsie LarsonColor Combos Elsie LarsonColor Combos Elsie LarsonColor Combos Elsie LarsonElsie’s Wearing: Dress/Boohoo (comes in black too!), Over-the-knee boots/Jeffrey Campbell, Bag/Moorea Seal (comes in black too), Necklace/Madewell. 

Color Combos Elsie Larson Let’s talk color!

I find that my go-to colors cycle every 1-2 years. I will passionately love a color (or combo of colors), and then get tired of it for a while. It’s a cycle.

Last October when we watched Rosemary’s Baby, it launched me into an INSANE inspiration reboot, and at the moment I am obsessing over 1970s colors… even sometimes 1980s… you guys—who AM I?

I love the changes, though. It’s fun to slowly evolve, reinvent and eventually… come around the same circle again!

What about you, Sis?

Emma Chapman Cateye sunnies Emma Chapman Sweaters and tights Emma ChapmanMaybe I should take this time to admit that probably around 70% of my wardrobe is black. I wear SO MUCH BLACK. It’s nuts. And honestly, I tend to incorporate black and white into my home decor choices pretty often too. I think I am drawn to contrast, and also I tend to pick “safer colors” when I’m shopping. Of course that’s not to say I don’t love color, I do! I just think I use it more often as an accent in my clothing.

Also, I will forever love glitter. I don’t care if that makes me basic. GLITTER FOR LIFE!


Sweaters and tights Emma of A Beautiful MessEmma’s Wearing: Sweater/Big Bud Press, Sunnies/Moorea Seal, Purse (similar) and boots/ASOS (similar boots here), Skirt/H&M (similar), Tights/Target (similar here). 

What about you guys? Do you have any favorite color combos you’ve been crushing on lately? xo. Emma + Elsie

Credits // Author: Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman. Photography: Amber Ulmer and Janae Hardy. Photos edited with the NEW A Beautiful Mess actions. 

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Sister Style: Welcome 2017 Mon, 02 Jan 2017 12:24:40 +0000 Windy day Zebra boots Emma Chapman Fossil bag Emma Chapman I’m going on year two of working from home (alone), and I’ve got some fashion goals for the new year. Mainly, get fully dressed more often. Ha!

I’m not the kind of gal who wears pajamas or yoga pants everyday just because I work from home. I don’t. Usually. I’d say I do that about 10% of the time (or less), but that’s mainly because my pajamas are just AWFUL. But that’s probably a whole different goal I should make. Hmm….

No, my thing is I get dressed for the day but sometimes only about 50-70% of the way. What I mean is, I put actual clothes on, like an outfit that I would be fine to wear in public, but then I don’t put any makeup on or do my hair. Or I’ll get into a habit of cycling through the same 2-3 tee shirts as often as I can wash them. And although that’s not so bad, it means the rest of my clothes are just not getting as much use and that seems a bit sad (not to mention wasteful).

Now, I don’t intend to wear makeup and curl my hair every single day as that’s not really my style, but I do think just feeling like I actually finished getting ready would be a good goal for me. 🙂

Emma Chapman Ombre hairEmma’s Wearing: Jeans/Levi’s, Stripe shirt/F21 (similar here), Trench/ChicWish, Purse c/o Fossil, Boots c/o Boden.

What about you, sister? Do you have any fashion-related goals for the new year?

2017 fashion goals2017 fashion goals2017 fashion goals2017 fashion goals2017 fashion goals2017 fashion goalsElsie’s Wearing: Top/SheIn, Skirt/SheIn, Shoes/Swedish Hasbeens, Sunnies/ZeroUV. 

This past month I’ve been reading The Curated Closet, and it is changing my life. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read on fashion (I’ll be doing a full blog post all about it soon). So, yes, I am very much in the zone of making style goals!

The past few years I would describe my style as “confused”. I was falling back on old favorite styles and trying to embrace new trends—but not really knowing what I liked. I was buying a lot of clothes, but not loving them—or even worse, not wearing them. I got to a point last year where I just dreaded shopping and felt defeated a lot of the time. Blah.

Going through this book and doing all the homework from the clean out, to making a style file and spending time really figuring out how I REALLY want to dress before shopping has helped me so much. I know so much more specifically what I am looking for now. I basically have 2-3 uniforms (just go-to outfits) that I am wearing over and over in different combinations. It’s so simple, and I feel like I am finally building up a closet full of things I LOVE.

Similar to Emma, I don’t dress up every day for work at home (except I totally will stay in my PJs all day, and I feel no shame), but we usually go out for either lunch or dinner (usually dinner) or run any errands we need to do, so I dress up then and on the weekends. Good enough! I’m still getting dressed up on the regular.

For 2017 my style goals are to keep slowly collecting a wardrobe I feel really cute in. I really do believe that dressing well can make you feel more confident. And it’s more about putting in the effort to find the right stuff than it is about money, by the way. I don’t think expensive stuff is necessarily always better, like the outfit I am wearing here is cheap, but it fits well so I kept it. That said, I do think it’s important to support small businesses and made-in-the-USA clothing, and I try to do it every month.

Filling up a closet with only stuff that fits amazing and is flattering is a LOT of work and cannot be rushed through. So my goal is to slowly add pieces that fit amazing and make me feel like myself. Pretty simple.

I want to thank you guys for always leaving the nicest comments and being encouraging on our fashion posts! We mostly do these posts for fun, but they truly do help us to stay motivated to work on our personal style! You’re the best! xx -Elsie

Credits// Credits // Author: Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman. Photography: Amber Ulmer and Janae Hardy. Photos edited with the NEW A Beautiful Mess actions. 

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